Preventive Care Promotes Healthy Growth & Development,
Your child should have a well child visit at the intervals listed below. We recommend that you call our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gonzalez on the date that best fits your needs.
Schedule of Visits
3-5 Days
Congratulations! Your baby is finally here. Newborns are wonderful, but exhausting! Having friends or family around to provide extra help and support can be very helpful. Make sure all visitors wash their hands well. Your baby’s first visit to our office takes place during his or her first week of life, usually 1-2 days after you are discharged from the hospital.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
-Check your baby’s weight.
-Monitor for signs of jaundice.
-Check to see how your baby is feeding.
-Answer questions about your new baby.
Immunizations: HepB#1 (if not given in hospital)
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Follow-up on Newborn Metabolic Screen done in hospital
Helpful Info: Caring for Your Newborn
2 Week Visit
The 2 Week Visit (sooner if you have concerns!) is a time to talk about how your family is acclimating to the newest addition. Feeding, bowel habits and sleeping are common topics. If you are breastfeeding, you will have the opportunity to meet with one of our Lactation Consultants for personalized breastfeeding assistance. Babies usually lose weight right after birth.
By 2 weeks of age, your baby will likely have regained his or her birth weight. Please remember that it is important to always put your baby to sleep on his or her back in a flat, firm and separate sleep space to reduce the risk of SIDS. As always, we are here to answer questions and offer anticipatory guidance.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve.
Remind you to give your baby a daily supplement of 400 IU of vitamin D drops if you are breastfeeding.
Immunizations: None
Tests/Screens/Assessments: None
Helpful Info: Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play
1 Month Visit
Families are usually settling in some by this visit. Feeding, sleeping and bowel habits are sometimes a concern. At this visit we will track your baby’s growth and development and answer any questions. Your baby may be starting to smile now and that helps a lot!
Immunizations: None
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Post Partum Depression Assessment, TB Surveillance
Helpful Info: Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play
2 Month Visit
Many babies seem more fussy or colicky at this age. Be patient. Colicky babies eventually outgrow their crying phase. Keeping your baby safe is the most important thing you can do. Even if you feel frustrated, handle your baby gently and reach out for help to friends, relatives or your pediatrician if the crying is getting to be too much. If you need a break and no one is available to help you, place your baby on his/her back gently in a safe space, such as a crib or bassinet and take a few minutes to calm down.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve.
Provide your baby’s first set of immunizations. Immunizations are safe, effective and keep your child and our community healthy. During this visit, you will be able to discuss any questions you may have about immunizations.
Screen for post-partum depression.
Immunizations: Pentacel#1 (DTaP, HIB, IPV), Prevnar#1, Rotavirus#1, HepB#2
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Post Partum Depression Assessment
Helpful Info: Colic, Crying and Your Baby: How to Calm a Fussy or Colicky Baby